Jeff Klukas

Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D. (Physics) University of Wisconsin–Madison
May 2012
Advisor: Matt Herndon
Thesis topic: A search for exotic particles decaying to WZ in pp collisions at 7 TeV
B.S. Wittenberg University
Springfield, Ohio
May 2006
Majors in physics and French language & literature
Summa Cum Laude
Departmental honors in physics
Thesis topic: Influencing dynamics in neural networks
School for International Training
Dakar, Senegal, West Africa
Spring 2005
Conducted independent research on the relative importance of national, ethnic, socioeconomic, and gender identities to residents of Dakar through interviews and participant observation.

Employment Experience

Server Systems Engineer
Designed and maintained high-performance databases for medical records
Advised customers on system monitoring and scalability
Research Assistant
Member of the CMS collaboration (3000+ physicists) at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), Geneva, Switzerland
Made significant independent contributions to a 10-member global (U.S., Switzerland, Croatia) analysis team as the sole UW collaborator
Designed analysis and validation software in C++ and Python (see Programming Experience)
Presented weekly analysis reviews in PowerPoint to group of 10+ people and occasionally to wider CMS groups via video conference
Instructor of record for three sections of a tutorial-based introductory physics course for education majors and one section of a traditional algebra-based introductory course
Used online learning management system, online homework engine, and electronic response system
Highly rated in student evaluations (avg. 4.8/5.0)
Teaching Assistant
2006, 2009
Facilitated discussion sections and lab exercises for first-semester introductory physics courses, both calculus and non-calculus based

Programming Experience

Web Applications
Developed an internal Stack Overflow-style Q&A site for Epic staff using Python/Django, based on the open source OSQA project
Monitored feedback to provide prompt fixes and feature enhancements to meet the needs of the user community
Muon Trigger Validation
Developed a suite of tools in C++ for testing trigger software critical to the collaboration, integrating it into the CMS software framework
Provided validation reports for weekly software releases
Diagnosed and resolved software issues in new releases
Extended the package’s capabilities on-demand to perform urgent studies of unexpected behavior
Physics Analysis Framework
Designed and maintained the C++ and Python tools used by a 10-member analysis team
Structured software for parallel analysis of terabyte-scale datasets on the global CMS computing grid
Wrote well-documented and readable code that could be understood and extended by others on the team
Muon Trigger Isolation Optimization
Used multivariate analysis in ROOT to optimize isolation thresholds in the CMS muon trigger
Proposed modifications to the collaboration, laying groundwork for significant redesign of isolated triggers
Created an open-source Python project providing tools to ease the process of producing high-quality output from ROOT
Managed contributions from an active user community
Developed a matplotlib interface for ROOT
Designed a flexible and intuitive command-line interface to generate images from ROOT histograms, replacing common workflows relying on custom macros
Contributed to a more ambitious open-source project to extend the capabilities of ROOT’s Python interface
Lead designer for the plotting and root2matplotlib modules
Developed documentation
Implemented unit tests
Used as a testing ground for site design using modern web standards, font technologies, and design principles
Currently powered by Octopress, using Jekyll, HTML5, and SASS in an adaptive design, hosted on Github


Junior level Linux certification (LPIC-101)
Certified in Caché system management for Epic installations
Global languages
English (native)
French (advanced)
German (novice)
Computer languages
UNIX shell scripting
ROOT (statistics software)
Operating systems
Scientific Linux
Mac OS X

Grants, Honors, Certificates, & Awards

Young Scientist Communication Grant
Awarded to participants at the 2011 US LHC Users’ Organization Annual Meeting to graduate students whose talks showed exceptional ability to communicate with the public
Traveled with senior scientists on an annual trip to Washington, D.C. to speak with members of Congress about funding for science
CIRTL Network Exchange Fellow
Traveled to UC–Boulder to present research work in both teaching and physics
Funded by the Center for Integration of Research, Teaching, & Learning
Vilas Travel Grant
Awarded for travel to the CERN laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland
Delta Certificate in Research, Teaching, & Learning
Recognizing experience in educational research and knowledge of foundational scholarship on teaching and learning
Emanuel R. Piore Award
Recognizing top score on the physics graduate qualifying exam

Selected Publications

Search for exotic particles decaying to the WZ final state with the CMS Experiment
The CMS Collaboration
Pending collaboration approval for submission to Physical Review Letters
Search for W’ (or techni-rho) to WZ
The CMS Collaboration
CMS Physics Analysis Summary CMS-PAS-EXO-11-041
Measurement of the WW, WZ, and ZZ cross sections at CMS
The CMS Collaboration
CMS Physics Analysis Summary CMS-PAS-EXP-11-010
Search for Technicolor with the CMS experiment
The CMS Collaboration
CMS Physics Analysis Summary CMS-PAS-EXO-09-007
Connectivity and dynamics in local cortical networks
John Beggs, Jeffrey Klukas, and Wei Chen
In Handbook of Brain Connectivity, pages 91–116
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg

Full high-energy physics publication list (100+):


Diboson Studies Performed with the CMS Detector
Jeff Klukas
US LHC Users’ Organization Annual Meeting
5 November 2011
Computing at the Large Hadron Collider
Jeff Klukas
CHTC Showcase (Center for High Throughput Computing at UW–Madison)
6 October 2011
Searches for New Physics with the Large Hadron Collider
Jeff Klukas
Invited talk for the UW–Whitewater Physics Seminar series
19 November 2010

Other Teaching Experience

MCAT Preparation Instructor
Developed, managed, and taught a 30-hour module for a class of 20 pre-med students
Teaching Workshop Developer
Co-developed with Prof. Michael Winokur a training workshop to orient teaching assistants to use active techniques in their discussion sections
Teaching Assistant
2006, 2009
Facilitated discussion sections and lab exercises for first-semester introductory physics courses, both calculus and non-calculus based
Physics & Mathematics Tutor
Naval ROTC, UW–Madison
Highly rated among students for drop-in tutoring six hours a week for all levels of physics and math
Wittenberg University
Drop-in tutoring in both physics and French
Writing Advisor
Wittenberg University
Nominated by faculty and trained in techniques for one-on-one tutoring. The Writing Workshop is an integral part of the English program and a resource widely used for work in other departments across the curriculum

Teaching Workshops

Forum of the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning
Two-day workshop focused on approaches to preparation of the nation’s future faculty
Opening Workshop for New STEM Educators
Marshfield, Wisconsin
Attendance funded through UW–Whitewater
Two-day workshop focused on promoting strategies for active learning associated with increased success for members of underrepresented groups
Teaching & Learning Symposium
Two-day workshop focused on sharing best practices for teaching and enriching the UW–Madison learning experience
Teaching and Assessing Student Abilities Workshop
Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Attendance invited through CIRTL
Day-long workshop investigating Alverno’s abilities-based curriculum

Teaching Presentations

Panel Discussion, Meeting of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning
Don Gillian-Daniel, Bob Mathieu, Mark Connoly, Jeff Klukas, and Adam Hoffman
Participated in a panel discussing the approach and experience of UW–Madison’s Delta program
22 October, 2011
Delta Teaching & Learning Philosophy Workshop
Don Gillian-Daniel and Jeff Klukas
Co-facilitated workshop for grads and postdocs preparing for the teaching job market
30 September, 2011
Poster, CIRTL Forum 2008: Aligning the Preparation of Graduate Students for STEM Early Faculty Careers
Jeff Klukas and Michael Winokur
Presented poster showcasing cooperative group learning workshop
16 June 2008
Poster, UW–Madison Teaching and Learning Symposium Showcase
Jeff Klukas and Michael Winokur
Presented poster showcasing cooperative group learning workshop
22 May 2008
TA Training Workshop
Jeff Klukas
UW–Madison Physics Department
Facilitated an original workshop for all new physics TAs on how to successfully lead cooperative group work
August 2007 & August 2008
Adapted the same workshop for TAs across the STEM fields for the UW–Madison Engineering Teaching Improvement Program
January 2008 & January 2009
