Report Week:  

Firefox Application Update Out Of Date Dashboard

The data below is from the Telemetry longitudinal data source which contains approximately 1% of all Telemetry clients for each Firefox version on the release channel. The period for the report is the 7 days prior to the selected Report Week date.

Note: Clients are considered out of date, potentially of concern when they are out of date and haven't met the minimum requirements for there to be an expectation that the client should have updated. Since each client can match multuple criteria the order that they are applied affects the percentage of clients that match each criteria. The order that the criteria are applied is the same order as they are listed above.
Out of date, of concern client last update check code (check phase)
(hover over a bar for details below the chart)
Out of date, of concern client last update check extended error code (check phase)
Breakdown of codes 22 and 23 from the previous chart
(hover over a bar for details below the chart)
Out of date, of concern client last update download code (download phase)
(hover over a bar for details below the chart)
Out of date, of concern client update staging state code (stage phase)
(hover over a bar for details below the chart)
Out of date, of concern client update staging failure code (stage phase)
Breakdown of code 12 from the previous chart
(hover over a bar for details below the chart)
Out of date, of concern client update startup state code (apply phase)
(hover over a bar for details below the chart)
Out of date, of concern client update startup failure code (apply phase)
Breakdown of code 12 from the previous chart
(hover over a bar for details below the chart)

This dashboard is maintained by :rstrong.
The Spark Notebook for this dashboard is scheduled to run on Monday and Tuesday every week since the longitudinal datasource isn't consistently available on Monday. The Spark Notebook can be found here.
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